Let the Healing Begin
Body Balance and Harmony has created a peaceful oasis devoted entirely to physical and mental wellness. Disconnect from the hectic world of work, school and daily stress. Sergio Amarante is a skilled and licensed massage therapist whose services include a selection of therapies from classic Swedish and deep-tissue massage to energy-based reflexology.
Our aim is to reduce pain and improve range of motion with a number of massage modalities. Body Balance cultivates an aura of relaxation using only natural massage oils coupled with targeted techniques.
Experience the lasting effects of Sergio’s Body Balance - you’ll leave feeling rejuvenated and relaxed.

Who gets a Massage, where and why?
~ According to AMTA's 2016 Consumer Survey, an average of 19 percent of adult Americans received at least one massage between July 2015 and July 2016, and an average of 32 percent of adult Americans received a massage in the previous five years. A Zogby Analytics survey of consumers in January 2017 indicated 25 percent received a massage from a massage therapist in 2016.
~ In July 2016, 22 percent of women and 16 percent of men reported having a massage in the past twelve months.
~ Twenty-two percent of massage consumers reported receiving their last massage at a spa in 2016