Regularly scheduled Massage Therapy can substantially enhance your quality of life, health and wellness.
At Body Balance and Harmony, we offer a collection of wonderful relaxing and effective massage services designed to bring balance to your body, mind and soul.
But did you know that YOU play a crucial part in maximizing the benefits from your massage session? Check out these helpful hints to start your journey to a new you!
- Don’t eat right before your session. The American Massage Therapy Association discourages eating immediately before your massage. Give yourself time to digest your last meal before your massage.
- Be on time. You deserve to relax for every minute of a full session, so make sure you are on time for your reservation. This ensures our Massage Therapist has time to discuss the goals for your session and perform the full treatment without delaying other Guests.
- Talk to your Massage Therapist. Before each session, you have an opportunity to talk to your Massage Therapist about your goals for your massage. Make the most of this time by telling us exactly what you are trying to achieve through massage, whether it is pain relief, improved sleep or better performance.
- Relax and breathe. During your massage, make sure to take even, regular breathes and relax as much as possible. The more you can relax your body and mind while breathing at a regular pace, the better results you will get from your massage session.
- Communicate with your Therapist. Don’t be afraid to tell your Massage Therapist if you feel uncomfortable or if a movement or pressure is causing you pain. Your massage shouldn’t be something you have to endure – it should be something you enjoy! Let your Massage Therapist know if anything isn’t to your liking.
- Stay hydrated. You may have heard that drinking plenty of water after your massage session is important. However, research has shown that staying hydrated before your session is just as vital. Your connective tissues or fascia are more pliant when properly hydrated, making your massage more productive.
- Discuss any soreness with your Therapist. After your session, make sure to discuss any changes or soreness in your body with your Massage Therapist. They may recommend using Dead Sea salts or ice to help reduce the pain.
- Skip the massage if you’re sick. Massage Therapy may make symptoms worse, plus you don’t want to share your illness with others. It may be best to reschedule for when you are feeling better.
Massage is a wonderful way to relax and improve your health. At Body Balance and Harmony, our goal is to ensure that you receive the most health and wellness benefits with every session. Follow these tips for the best massage possible. Any questions, please feel free to call Sergio with any of your concerns at 646-239-4751.